Veterinary dental care is an important part of your pet’s overall health and well-being. At Queenstown Veterinary Hospital, we stay up to date on the latest recommendations regarding optimal oral health care.
Early signs of dental disease can include foul odor from the mouth, licking of the teeth or gums or a change in appetite. Severe dental disease results in bacteria attacking under the gum line and loosening the tooth. A diseased tooth may become loose, fall out or abscess. Dental cleanings under anesthesia are the only way to ensure a complete cleaning and evaluation of your pet’s teeth.
Every patient we see is evaluated for dental disease. Recommendations are made based on that evaluation, and you will participate in creating a dental wellness plan that meets your needs and lifestyle. If a dental cleaning is recommended, we take every precaution prior to and while under anesthesia. All pets have blood work performed prior to the cleaning to evaluate organ function and cell counts. The day of the dental cleaning, pets have an IV catheter placed and are on IV fluids during the procedure to help maintain blood pressure. One veterinary assistant is responsible for monitoring anesthesia throughout the entire procedure while someone else is focused on cleaning the teeth. Anesthesia monitoring includes blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, pulse oximetry as well as frequent adjustments to depth of anesthesia. The dental cleaning includes scaling, polishing and evaluation of every tooth, like a dental cleaning you would receive.
After a dental cleaning, every pet goes home with a report detailing the findings of the cleaning. They also receive a bag of complimentary dental products to get you started off right! At home dental care is the best way to keep your pet’s teeth healthy going forward. With regular dental care, dental cleanings under anesthesia will be needed less frequently.